
Researchmap Profile

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ORCID 0000-0001-5877-1412

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神戸大学大学院国際文化学研究科・教授 / Professor of Social Systems Science, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University

神戸大学大学院国際文化学研究科グローバル文化専攻・専攻長 / Director of Culture and Globalization Department, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University

神戸大学カーボンニュートラル推進本部・副本部長 / Deputy Director-General of Carbon Neutral Promotion H.Q., Kobe University

神戸大学DX・情報統括本部DX推進部門 / Member of Digital Transformation Strategy Division, Kobe University

神戸大学数理・データサイエンスセンター / Member of Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences, Kobe University

神戸大学バリュースクール / Member of Value School, Kobe University


Doctor of Engineering (Kobe University, 2003)

Research Topics

Text Analysis (テキスト分析)

Non-Content Based Plagiarisms Detection for Students Programs and Reports (内容に基づかない盗用発見:学生のコンピュータプログラムとレポートへの適用)

Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Text Analysis, Natural Language Processing

Estimating Emotion from Tweets (ツイートからの感情推定)

Keywords: Machine Learning, Text Analysis

Coping with Difficulty Level of Natural Language Texts: Difficulty Estimation and Text Generation.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Transformers, Natural Language Processing, Text Generation

Behavior Analysis (振る舞い分析)

Finding Key Movement of Expert Behavior (熟練者の動作からのキーとなる動きの抽出)

Keywords: Machine Learning, HMM, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Motion Analysis



Brief Hisotry


1987-1991 Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University

1991-1993 Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University (Master Course)

1993-1995 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University (Doctor Course)

Work Experience (not all are listed)

1995-Current Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University

1995-Current Faculty of Intelligence and Informatics, Konan University (Part-time Lecturer)

2017-2022 Hyogo Learning Center, Open University of Japan (Part-time Lecturer)

2005-2005 Technical University of Muenchen, Germany (Visiting Researcher)

2018-2019 Xiamen University of Technology (Visiting Professor)